The European Dialogue hosted an Erasmus+ training for youth workers called “Faces of Diversity” in Trnava (Slovakia) from 9 to 15 May 2022. 26 youth workers from Slovakia, Hungary, Italy, Portugal, Germany, Lithuania, Bulgaria and Greece discussed together, shared their experiences and views and learned about human rights and media literacy throughout the whole week. The reason for connecting these two topics is the bias of many media towards minorities, while in many cases different alternative media publish hateful news, which not only hurts the representatives of the given minorities, but also polarizes the whole society.

Workshops and interactive lectures were thematically divided into two blocks. In the first of them, the participants dealt with the media and increased their competences in the field of critical thinking and the ability to identify relevant media. Within the framework of this topic, they could also meet and listen to experts from practice – Vladimír Šnídl from Denník N, who has been dealing with hoaxes and disinformation for a long time, Petr Jančárik from the Seesame agency – co-founder of the Konspirá project and also Matej Spišák, director of the

The second block was focused on the topic of human rights and their respecting in Europe and beyond. The participants gained better knowledge about the needs and problems faced by minorities in our geographical space and together they searched for ways to be more tolerant, open and helpful towards minorities. They also had the opportunity to listen to interesting speakers – first, Peter Weisenbacher, director of the Institute of Human Rights, who spoke about the methods of education in the field of human rights, later Robert Warren, a professor at the Anglo-American University in Prague, discussed with the participants what forms of discrimination we know and how to fight against hate-speech.

As part of a trip to Bratislava, we visited the headquarters of the Amnesty International organization, where the participants had a great workshop focused on the fight for the protection of human rights in several areas. In the afternoon, they had the opportunity to visit the Slovak Radio building, where they had an excursion with an explanation of the role of public media.

At the end of the event, the participants worked in groups that they formed in advance and created a guideline for youth workers on topics related to media education and human rights education. 

During the training, the participants were working on creating the Guideline for youth workers on tolerance, human rights, and media literacy. 